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Re: [LUG] Mounting Partitions


Gordon Henderson wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, Austin Gossmeyer wrote:
>>> Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 12:35:29 +0100
>>> From: gordon+dcglug@xxxxxxxxxx
>>> To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Subject: Re: [LUG] Mounting Partitions
>>> On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, Austin Gossmeyer wrote:
>>>>> You also don't say what the Internet b/w is... If it's ADSL or cable, (or
>>>>> SWGFL) then RAID-0 might be overkill as you'll still be network b/w
>>>>> bound... If Janet speeds then you might find the server is the bottleneck!
>>>> SWGFl is our isp.
>>> I'm so sorry.
>> Thank you I am glad I am not the only one who think they are terrible.
>> We have also lost our connection so many times it is not funny. As I am 
>> the low man on the totem pole it is unlikely it will ever change. :-(
> Oops.
> When we were involved, it was part of the Buckfastleigh Broadband Project 
> - which was a govt. sponsored project in investigate the impact of 
> broadband in a rural community... Anyway, SWGFL were starting their 
> roll-out in the SW and somehow we managed to persuade them to give us a 
> feed from the local primary school - so we got a 2Mb link to them and from 
> there via the 'grid' to the outside. (We got the school pushed to the top 
> of the list via some creating writing, getting DIY SOS involved, etc. too 
> as they're mostly local to the area :)
> I understood that schools had a 3-year tie-in period - primarys were 
> getting 2Mb and secondarys 8Mb.... By now the initial tie-in must be over, 
> so any small school who's paying for a lesed line when a good ADSL 
> connection would do must be bonkers - however there is the nice promise of 
> a filtered and "school safe" web feed for them....
> Damn. I'm in the wrong business - again. For a few days of my time I could 
> create a black box solution to give a school/college 2 LANS (admin, 
> teaching), filtered ADSL feed, small local fileserver with backup, cost 
> effective PBX, outsourced email, intranet/web server, blah, blah, blah. 
> We're back at school servers again /rant/
> Gordon
I guess there's nothing stopping you putting a box like that together (I 
presume you'd be able to use one of your existing PBX boxes to so that 
sort of thing?), but I guess it's getting in the schools which is the 


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