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On Tue, 19 May 2009, Henry Bremridge wrote: > - WHY do the MPs have to visit Westminster? Why not have some decent > fibre-optics cables and set up good video-conferencing facilities. > Voting can be electronic. At least a side effect would be improving > communications infrastructure for others. You know what - I do the whole "work from home" and promote it, even have (and sell) video phones and VoIP based phone system to let you take your phone home, and have a colleague who does the big video conferencing thing, but what I've found is that there really isn't a substitute for actually getting together - however you don't need to do it every day, so maybe there's a compromise to be had. However it's shades of that Stalone film where the "councillors" were represtented by LCD panels on top of the chairs - imagine the HoC full of LCD panels and a webcam in each seat .. Actually ... And as far as electonic voting goes - the biggest problem there is that the public and those who know have lost confidence it in - mostly due to the companies who made the kit (Diebold http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diebold ) using sloppy programming techniques, closed-source platforms which can't even count and alledged bribery...) I think it'll be a long time before another electronic voting platform goes mainstream )-: Gordon -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html