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Re: [LUG] OpenDisc 9.05


Paul Sutton wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Steve Lee wrote:
>> 2009/5/9 Rob Beard <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>> I didn't realise this but it's about 850MB
>> Yeah that caught me out - it's only just over. I nagged them to make it clearer
>> Steve
> If you ask me this is all the more reason to make it worth while
> downloading a dvd is to fill it up with as much as posible
> for example they could include
> LyX (its there and useful if someone wants it)
> The open clipart collection
> Open office extensions for windows as there are quite a few.  It would
> look better on openoffice if it can be seen to be extended in this way
> Open office localisation e.g dictionaries
> OPen arena, (ok its older in terms of engine, but hey, does that really
> matter)
> I can't think of much more off the top of my head,  but there has to be
> lots of applications. games and tools that would be useful.
> Paul
That's exactly what I'm doing with the custom OpenDisc I'm working on.  
IIRC I got it to about 2 gig so far.  Not sure if I'll have room for any 
Mac stuff, saying that I haven't got a working Mac at the moment to test 
it on (my iMac isn't working properly for some reason).


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