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Re: [LUG] OT: Couple of items in the news: Swine Flu and the Gurkhas


Henry Bremridge wrote:
> 1/ Some one in Paignton Community College has swine flu.
>       http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8024690.stm
>       The school is closed and apparently there will be a general advertising
>       campaign launched tomorrow. 
> 2/ The House of Commons has passed a non legally binding motion
> condeming the governments treatment of Gurhas.
> The vote is not legally binding, but opposition leaders insisted that ministers 
> must now abandon new rules on admitting Gurkhas and their families introduced last 
> week.               
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/gordon-brown/5244587/MPs-vote-to-give-Gurkhas-right-to-live-in-Britain-in-defeat-for-Gordon-Brown.html
Damn right they should !

You dont go to war to defend another country only to get a slap in the 
face when you demob !

I'd far rather being fighting with the Gurkhas than against them.

They are frighteningly good at what they do !


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