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Re: [LUG] School Server


Hi All

2009/4/28 Richard Brown <rich@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> So can we respond to this please? Firstly is it possible to create a
>> server that updates itself? Secondly, is there anyway we can encourage
>> her to look at different systems? Any thoughts would be welcome -
>> thanks.
> I'm troubled by the ease at which a school simply accepts that rm is
> the way to go. No questions on what else. The support they get from
> other sources are appalling. Last year the heads computer died just
> before reports etc had to be out. Her support team said bad luck
> you've lost all your data. I teach IT at the school and happened to
> arrive at that point to see her in tears. To cut a short story long I
> popped home and grabbed a hard drive cable, connected it to my laptop
> via usb and dragged all her data off the hard drive and handed it over
> on a stick. Big smiles and huge relief.
> At the end of the day I'm wondering whether Linux is ready to tackle RM?
Looking at this subject I think I was asking at the start.... Is Linux
ready. Possibly and possibly not depending on whether the big boys
want to join the action! I will write to Ubuntu as I am already
speaking to someone at the support centre re Sage!

But as the replies have come in and more particularly Gordon's email I
have started thinking that possibly tackling this subject might not be
so difficult. When Gordon broke it down as he did suddenly it does
seem reachable.

Firstly we're not talking a big school here so a sensible approach to
the maintenance issue I believe could be tackled. If I look at
Gordon's approach it seems they will need (this is very rough):

3 x intranet
1st intranet:
Head and admin staff

2nd intranet
Rest of teaching staff

3rd intranet
Probably wifi and reaching out to kids etc

Equipment needed:
File server and back-up.
Net nanny server
Computer for each teacher in each classroom
25 x laptops for an IT suite

We're talking small school and simply needs. I'll need to find out
what software they use that is OS specific. That might need a doze box
just for that software alone but the rest almost certainly could run
on Linux.

They already use a load of netbooks all containing Linux anyway!
Kind regards
Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.
Romans 12 v 1

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