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I know it's
still the 23rd until the 24th. And I agree patience is a virtue and the release manager has to do his job. My expectations had been set by all the 9.04 hype and marketing. To my mind, 00:01 is the start of the day and that's when I was expecting the release to be available. I'm "disappointed" my expectations weren't met. I'm quite happy to concede my expectations were ill-founded. It's the first time I've really "needed" a release this this way - Previously I've waited a few weeks until the hub-bub has died down before a dist-upgrade so I don't spank the servers. Martin Alan Pope wrote: 2009/4/23 Martin Gautier <martin.gautier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:Hmm. I understand but I don't get that a release date has been set and the mirrors weren't synced before-hand in preparation.They are, but what if there's a last minute hitch (as has happened previously) where they need to resync?To my customers, a release date is a release date - not a date when we might start thinking about the possibility of letting them have some code...The product has been released on time on every release date set so far. It's still the 23rd for quite some time yet. 8.10 was released at about 2pm UK time. Patience is a virtue.Disappointing.What, that you don't get the release before it's been released? I'd rather wait until the Release Manager (whose job it is to release the product) has done his job, and made sure everything is ready. Cheers, Al. |
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