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Re: [LUG] OT: Economy and IT industry


Quoting Henry Bremridge <henry.bremridge@xxxxxxxxx>:

> http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/bc3bce82-1e45-11de-830b-00144feabdc0.html
> (should be free)
> extract
> "Gartner predicts a 15 per cent decline in sales of computer   
> hardware, a 3 per cent fall in telecommunications, 2 per cent in IT   
> services and a meagre 0.3 per cent growth in software sales."
> Well opensource should be popular...

And indeed it is...

I'm currently looking for employment as a Linux Systems Architect and  
there are a number of interviews I've attended recently where  
organisations that are currently running Windows are looking to  
migrate to Linux/Open-Source (especially in the web-server arena).

I'm getting a lot of interest in my CV thanks to the credit crunch!

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace

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