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Re: [LUG] Talking of Ubuntu...


I have to say that the laptop you describe sounds very similar to one i set up for my grandparents.

I used the Ubuntu netbook remix as i felt that by doing away with the standard desktop interface made it easier for them. It is  much more intuitive to use and personally i love it. there were a number of other similar style distros out there but i stuck with this as it was essentially ubuntu under the hood which i knew a little about and i could run wine for those "special" apps :)

for music, browsing, office, looking at pictures and such things...
in other words - no games, 3d modelling programs, specialist software and microsoft stuff
It will be the perfect machine.

Looking up msn for linux in google gave me this

i imagine no matter what she needed it could be provided for by clever people out there who code these things for fun.

anyway my tuppence

2009/3/12 Simon Waters <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
James Fidell wrote:
> Anyone care to share thoughts on how easy lifelong Windows users find
> Ubuntu to pick up and just "get on with doing stuff"

Very easy once one sheds one's prejudices. Especially if you configure
it in a familiar fashion.

> (IM clients are another thing she uses a lot from the laptop).

Which, and how? Some are pretty weak under GNU/Linux, but if she isn't
using voice or video, or she only used those in something that does run
on Linux (Skype?), then it'll be fine.

> Of the many and varied
> distributions, is it likely to be the "best" choice in this situation?

I'm a die hard Debian fan, but then I mostly do servers.

Desktops for me has to be Debian, because I know a little about how it
works. But I think whatever you can support best, as long as it isn't
too obscure is the way to go.

If visual familiarity is important, you can get some very XP like themes
for KDE.

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James Brown  - "I'm kidding about having only a few dollars. I might have a few dollars more."
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FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html