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Re: [LUG] C++ Question



Thanks Gordon

I did just what you said and it worked, thanks.

Can you remember how to deal with comparing dates? dateadd?

One thing i have been meaning to ask you is, in Asterisk is there a way of 
changing touch tone settings. I have found some users at work dial numbers 
to fast for the remote system to under stand, this is when they have to type 
a code to join a meeting i.e #234657# .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gordon Henderson" <gordon+dcglug@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: [LUG] C++ Question

> On Thu, 5 Mar 2009, Sam Grabham wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have been trying to pass a string and a number via the command line, 
>> and then setting varibles for use later on in the code.
>> When i pass say 23 as the second param i get a larger number set to
>> "nMinutesIn" variable. If i cout << argv[2]; then i will get the 23
>> value, so if the argv[2] is a char type how do i convert to a int?
> atoi() l
> At least in C - it's been 10 years since I looked at c++
> So:
>   nMinutesIn = atoi (argv ([2]) ;
> atoi stands for ascii to integer.
> there are many other ways, but that's possibly the simplest.
> Gordon
>> I also would be greatfull for any advise for compairing dates, I want to 
>> create a funtion that acts like dateadd() function.
>> I am finding it hard to find c++ generic sample code on the web, As lots 
>> of sample code is using windows apis etc.
>> Anyone know of some good urls?
>> my problem sample code below:
>> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>> {
>>   struct stat fileInfo;
>>   unsigned int nMinutesIn=0;
>>   string searchPath="";
>>    searchPath = string(argv[1]);
>>    nMinutesIn = int(argv[2]);
>> Regards
>> Sam
> -- 
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