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Re: [LUG] nameservers


stinga@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> software to use really, I could (and have) use bind9 but was
> wondering about other solutions people might be using. I am doing
> some work for someone who has a horrendeous mix of 3rd party people
> doing various bits of the registry and resolving requiring many
> passwords that get forgotten, just trying to simplify his life a bit,
> he also has about 60 domains (don't ask) mostly parked and pointing
> nowhere.

I doubt the solution is to run your own name servers - especially for
just 60 domains.

What are the domains for? If they are mostly parked does he actually
need them? Or were they purchased out of some ill founded ideas?

I'd probably just move them all over to whichever of the current
providers has the most clue, and most sensible interface for management.
Thus reducing the passwords to one.

Providing DNS isn't hard, but it does require things like an off network
server to do it right - all easy - but keeping it all together is a lot
of work considering it is something readily outsourced (with the
possible exception of domains internal to your own network).

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