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[LUG] Lenny for production was Re: Debian on an Acer Aspire One ...


Gordon Henderson wrote:
> Indeed - however, I'd not put Lenny on a production server until it's 
> stable though - there still appears to be a few lurking horrors from what 
> I've glanced at.

I'm doing just that tomorrow morning ;)

Lenny works with everything we do on our live, and test servers (which
is pretty much the basics most people will want to do), and the critical
bug count is lower than Etch. Apache fixes bugs for us, Linux kernel has
support we want in the stock kernels (finally!), SAMBA has fixes we
want, Postgres performance should improve (and fixes a handful of stupid
bugs). We have one lurking issue we thought was a Perl interpreter bug
that isn't fixed - very strange bug - but that goes wrong on the current
server anyway. We get to replace a load of unofficial packages with the
official packages for same.

I saw one regression only to do with the interaction between mod_deflate
and mod_fastcgi, which worked in Etch (exactly the same functionality
was bust in Sarge in a slightly different way).

The tested upgrade path was very slick. The biggest Etch -> Lenny issue
I recall is the greylisting database didn't upgrade - which for
greylisting is easily solved with "rm -rf". And some minor changes to
the Apache config meant that after accepting the new apache.conf, I had
to shuffle some stuff around in /etc/apache2/conf.d to get Apache to start.

That just leaves living with the perpetual churn till Debian decide they
have had enough and call it a release. Let it not be too long - please.

The main thing I noted is that "aptitude" goes from being slightly worse
than "apt-get", to much better, at least as far as telling me what I was
doing wrong. Although I still can't get use to the output of "aptitude"
for some tasks, I am a convert (mostly).

Most annoying thing is the packaged Catalyst is one minor revision
behind what we are using on the production server, and I didn't get it
to work downgraded by that point release. But it wouldn't have saved us
that much effort as Catalyst has a lot of optional bits which we'd still
either have to package or get from CPAN.

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