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Re: [LUG] Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference -- now available


Rob Beard wrote:
> On 28/01/2009 13:58, John Hansen wrote:
>> Rob Beard wrote:
>>> On 28/01/2009 12:04, Steve Lee wrote:
>>>> 2009/1/28 Paul Sutton<zleap@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> Sounds a good plan,
>>>> +1
>>>> Plus I'd like a couple "just in case"
>>>> Steve
>>> Great.  Well I've had a reply.  It looks like the minimum bulk order is
>>> 10 copies.  Keir (the author) said that he gets them shipped over from
>>> the US at cost price and the biggest part of the cost is the postage.
>>> If I can get 10 people interested I'll drop him another e-mail asking if
>>> he can get some prices.
>>> I'm going to ask a couple of my clients if they'd be interested in one
>>> or two copies, I might also be able to interest the Exwick Community
>>> Centre too as they're going to be running Ubuntu on their new LTSP
>>> server so maybe 2 or 3 copies for them might come in useful.
>>> With regards to putting the PDF on the OpenDisc, he said it's fine so
>>> I'll pop it on there too.  He also asked if rather than hosting a local
>>> copy of the PDF on a web site if we could link back to his site instead
>>> (in case anyone wants to provide links on their sites).
>>> Rob
>> There is also the possibility to print out the PDF file and then
>> photocopy as many copies as
>> required provided you can find a cheap copier ;-)
>> There are a total of 165 pages to print and copy!
>> John
> The only problem with that is that it goes against the copyright (I 
> didn't see that until I read the website FAQs).
> Not to mention copying 165 pages is a whole load of hassle.  Printing 
> them isn't too bad but since the book is fairly cheap anyway I think I'd 
> just stump up the cash and buy a copy.
> Rob
Yes esepcailly as once printed, is it going to be pocket size?,  i can't
have a4 tome on my desk or on a small computer desk and work at the same
time,  the small size of these books is handy,  and portable.,


Paul Sutton
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