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Re: [LUG] Elonex Netbooks


Neil Williams wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 19:41:25 +0000
> Rob Beard <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 10/01/2009 18:52, Brown Richard wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Some friends have been given a couple of lovely pink Elonex Netbooks.
>>> No I don't know much about this product. 
> It is a MIPS architecture but not directly compatible with the current
> Debian MIPS port (or the mipsel port). There are maybe 30 variants of
>>> The os doesn't seem to play
>>> youtube (something teenage girls want) and of course msn. Would you
>>> suggest loading xubuntu or something different or is it possible to
>>> get flash playing etc.
> No. You can recompile gnash to work on the device once you have a
> working free software OS on the machine or a cross-building toolchain
> for that variant of MIPS on a faster machine but Flash is proprietary
> and there is no possible way of compiling it for this or any platform
> not supported by those with access to the source code. As ever,
> access to the source code is everything. You have it with Gnash, you do
> not with Flash. If you happen to use an architecture that Adobe can't
> be bothered to support, tough.
> There is absolutely no prospect of getting any flavour of Ubuntu on it,
> nor Fedora. The only distro with much chance is probably Debian but
> even that isn't straightforward. With suitable changes, it is
> apparently possible to get Debian onto the machine, albeit with a few
> rebuilds of critical packages. It is not a trivial task - at the time I
> had expected a group of maybe four or five Debian Developers to need
> maybe a year to get it working properly. With recent improvements
> within Emdebian, that time could be reduced but only at the expense of
> removing the "simple" tasks and leaving only the complex tasks.
>> Sadly they don't appear to have x86 compatible CPUs, they use some sort 
>> of RISC arcitecture instead (which I believe is MIPS based): 
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elonex_ONEt
> It's not at all sad, x86 is a horrible architecture - it comes fully
> loaded with a nightmare of legacy code like the need for BIOS and
> memory management workarounds. Sensible architectures don't have a need
> for black magic like that. IMHO, it would have been far better if Apple
> had been willing and able to continue development of the powerpc
> architecture instead of going backwards to the x86 but money talks,
> at least for hardware.
>> You may be able to get the MIPS version of Debian running on it,
> No. I did ask the Elonex people about obtaining precisely this machine
> so that some work could be done on it to derive the particular kernel
> configuration and toolchain tweaks to build a free OS for the machine.
> Linux does run on the machine but only using their own configurations
> which are not being released at the moment.
I'm a little confused.  They have taken a GPLed bit of software, made 
changes to it (presumably - if not, then what have they done to get 
Linux working on it when the Debian lot would struggle for a year?), are 
releasing those changes to the public (by way of having it on the 
device) but are not releasing the source-code?  Surely that's a 
violation of the GPL?


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