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Re: [LUG] apt-getting apps from newer repos?


Simon Waters wrote:
> Alan Pope wrote:
>> You could install 8.10 over the top of 8.04 on your laptop. Just make
>> sure you DONT reformat and the installer will clean out all the
>> directories (/bin /etc etc) but leave your home folder untouched.
> Urgh - what a horrid idea.
> I don't suppose the 8.04 to 8.10 problems can be THAT bad can they? If 
> they are probably time to migrate to a real OS ;)
Would that be Vista? ;)

To be honest, the more I think about it, the more I'm tempted to go back 
to Debian proper. I've had to mess around to get my WiFi and DVB-T 
working nicely under Ubuntu almost as much as I had to fiddle with 
things when I ran Debian Sid.


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