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Re: [LUG] micro controller


On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Steve James <ste@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Friday 24 October 2008, Tom Potts wrote:
>> On Friday 24 October 2008 12:36, Robin Cornelius wrote:
>> You couldn't actually give me some clues to suppliers/prices/details here -
>> searches for this sort of thing seem to be hijacked and the closest I've
>> got is for a Philips LPC900 but the UK link takes me to arrow.co.uk who
>> don't seem to have functioning e-mail - I've never had a reply from them
>> yet! I guess these things should be in the £5 per one off region??
>> Tom te tom te tom
> Tom, try CPC [1] or RS [2]. Probably Maplin too.
> Good luck,
> Steve.
>  [1] -
> http://cpc.farnell.com/jsp/search/browse.jsp?N=411+521+500001+1001900&Ntk=gensearch_003&Ntt=pic&Ntx=
>  [2] -
> http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=retrieveTfg&binCount=104&Ne=4294957561&Ntt=pic&Ntk=I18NAll&Nr=AND%28avl%3auk%2csearchDiscon_uk%3aN%29&Ntx=mode%2bmatchallpartial&N=4294955193&Nty=1

Yea the actual PIC's are made my "Microchip" although there are
similar types of product from other manufactures Microchip pretty much
dominates this type of controller market.

Probably the best type are the 16F variety and you might just as well
get a PicKit2


which i see for about £35 with a pic to get you started, and new picks
are a couple of quid each :-


There are also pic assemblers/compilers for linux which seem to work, gputils

You can program them in C, but for very simple apps you can use PICs
assembly language. Just bare in mine the extreamly limited memory and
code space, but its sufficient for a lot of applications and you can
do surprisingly complex things


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