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Re: [LUG] does my mail arrive?


I get this on sky as well (powered by google)
 I use recent mode to check mail across multiple pc's / os
That stops email arriving sent from my own address.
 I have 1 pc set to check mail without  recent mode which then gets all mail from 
the server.

Ray-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Waters <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 20 May 2008 12:25
To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [LUG] does my mail arrive?

george wrote:
> I used to worry over this and then realised that you don't see your own
> emails but everyone else does. I don't see the sense in this as it's
> handy to know when your own have arrived into the greater scheme of things.
> Off you go into a black hole little email...........

Aside from being an option on the list software, it may also be Google mail!

Googlemail uses the uniq ID on every email you send as a key, and if you
receive one already in your sent folder it doesn't bother you with it
again, since it assumes you know what you have written. Took me ages to
figure this out first time I saw it.

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