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Re: [LUG] OT: TFT's with 1:1 pixel mapping (no screen expansion)


Julian Hall wrote:
> Rob Beard wrote:
>> Ahh the annoying stretch everything to fit feature.
> I have to admit I've never noticed this on any TFT.  My previous 17" AOC 
> or my current 19" Acer.  Just yesterday I was playing the demo of Tomb 
> Raider Anniversary - in 1024 * 768 (monitor naive resolution is 
> 1280*1024) because my graphics card is a relatively old Nvidia Geforce 
> FX5600 256Mb.  I saw no sign of stretching.
> Incidentally although it's an old card this is the *only* game where I 
> have yet experienced slow frame rates - and that was only next to a fast 
> flowing river.  I don't personally buy into this 'You must have the 
> latest £300 graphics card for decent gameplay'.  Hell even Doom 3 played 
> fine with this card.
> Kidn regards,
> Julian

Well it's not stretching as such (unless it's a widescreen display) but 
it's blurry if you don't run it at it's native resolution.  I certainly 
notice it on my home desktop PC when I run it at 1024x768, and it's 
really noticeable (and annoying) on the Dell monitors at work.

Funny though, I don't notice it on my LCD TV as much when I'm running 
the PC through it.


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