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Re: [LUG] Open Office


george wrote:
> I'm trying to be open and honest about Open Office's opening, but I have to 
> opine that there is an opening here to speed up this open souce application.  
> (Couldn't resist it)

Looks to me that most of the issue is accessing files (and libraries).

Seems to look for about 4000 files when opening on my box, many of them
don't exist and are looked for repeatedly (presumably by different
processes). Firefox, which on my box takes a similar time to start-up,
accesses about a quarter of that number of files. Makes you wonder what
firefox is doing?

This explains why it is so much quicker to load the second time, since
the meta data for most of these will be cached, either in the kernel
tables, or in the file system cache.

There is the practical - you can use one of the starter programs, that
does the umpteen thousand file lookups when you login (works for IE and
MS Windows). Most of these trade memory for performance, which at
current cost of memory, versus flash may not be worth doing. Be
fascinating to here from our eeePC users what sort of start-up times
they see on a machine which has similar CPU performance to my many year
old laptop, but flash storage.

Or you can use Abiword. But I'm guessing you prefer to wait and get the
functionality, otherwise you wouldn't be asking.

Removing lots of bloat from big projects like this isn't happening,
although I dare say one could remove a big chunk of it if one really cared.

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