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Re: [LUG] Huawei E220 USB Modem


John Hansen wrote:
> I have bought the above broadband modem from Currys. It came with 
> T-Mobile "pay as you go" which costs £4 per day. However 3 offer "pay as 
> you go" for £10 per month which is rather more attractive. I assume one 
> can buy a 3 SIM card for use with the modem even though the local mobile 
> phone shop insists on selling a complete package including an identical 
> modem. One thing I am unclear about is whether the modem needs to be 
> unlocked and if so how does one achieve that.

> Any advice from members with experience of these matters would be welcome.

I've just added a Vodaphone E220 to my new eee. Wasn't painful at all. 
Drivers are installed by magic, you just need to create a new GSM 
network connection and follow a few prompts. It /is/ slow to respond - 
connection takes about 4 minutes, most of which is sitting there with 
you thinking it's crashed, but it does work ok. I think that's something 
unique to me though. Once on it's fine.

 From googling, the E220 is regarded as a good dongle that's supported 
as a normal modem by linux (although I couldn't tell you which kernels)

Simon Avery

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