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Tom Potts wrote: > http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20080410050845876 > Wow! > Tom te tom te tom > > > Article 93 1 b) looks like it may have nailed them? 'On march 2004, the Commission adopted a decision declaring that Microsoft had seriously violated EU competition rules by abusing the dominant position in the software market, causing a huge damage both on competitors and consumers. On 17 September 2007, the Court of First Instance (CFI) rejected Microsoft's appeal (Case T-201/04). Microsoft has not appealed the CFI ruling, which can be deemed to have the force of /res judicata/.' 93/1/b says - 1. Candidates or tenderers shall be excluded from participation in a procurement procedure if: (b) they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata; *possibly e) as well? (e) they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities' financial interests; 1-0 to the EU. Even if it doesn't happen it would be a shot across the bows not only to Microsoft, but to all the government bodies using Windows - who in government wants to be seen using a product from a company banned from tendering? I'm not even sure they could, unless the ban wouldn't cover current contracts. Even so any smart department head with a contract renewal loming would be wise to look elsewhere. Kind regards, Julian -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html