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[LUG] Petition group to ask Abbey National PLC to support the FireFox browser



/* PLEASE would all the LUG members join - you don't have to bank with 
the Abbey National plc!! */

I've just started the following Facebook Group:

Petition group to ask Abbey National PLC to support the FireFox browser

Here is my manifesto:

Cahoot is a UK Bank which also issues a credit card   (Abbey Nattional plc)

It has a really good system where you can create unique one time use 
credit card numbers that you can limit to a certain amount of money.

Unfortunately their "webcard" is only supported as a native application 
under Microsoft Windows or via Internet Explorer as a web browser and 
not FireFox, or any others. And I am sick of having to run Windoze under 

Given that many Internet users do not use the Microsoft Operating System 
and many other UK & International Banks support Firefox. IE The HSBC etc

Please could the Abbey National make this happen?

If FireFox is good enough for the Department of Homeland security to 


PLEASE would all the LUG members join - you don't have to bank with the 
Abbey National plc!!

Cheers Mark

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