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Re: [LUG] BB problems


David Bell wrote:

> Incidently, he said that some of the best, reliable BB circuits are up in the 
> Dartmoor area where there are still a lot of ye olde open copper wire routes.  
> The ones that hum nicely in the breeze :)

I'm on East Dartmoor and had all of the above problems. I'm at the 
theoretical end of ADSL abilities and was on DACS and ISDN before this.

ISDN would drop out completely for a week or so every six months and I 
believe because of my complaints, much of the final leg (some 1.5km's 
from the nearest concentrator) has been replaced. ADSL has proved far 
more reliable since Bovey was enabled, in one occasion I continued to 
get carrier even when the voice line was down.

I'm something like ten KM's from the exchange, almost entirely overhead 
and running through overgrown devon hedges - it's a miracle it works at 

That said, best speed available is 1024/256 but as I'm on an old tariff 
of 512/256 with NO cap, I'm staying put as this type of account doesn't 
seem to exist any more.

Am investigate 3g dongles as a backup (Eclipse died earlier this week 
again). 3's have very high excess charges (The famous £3,000 per 
downloaded dvd), t-mobile refused my order because I couldn't answer a 
wrongly-worded question about a mortgage my wife took out 8 years ago 
and they think I'm a scammer) so it looks like Vodaphone...

Simon Avery

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