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Re: [LUG] CCC Computer refurbishment


Henry Bremridge wrote:
> As this is on the web...
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 06:38:43PM +0000, james kilty wrote:
>> Whilst the up front costs of a Microsoft Desktop compared to it's
>> Freeware Linux counterpart may appear to favour the Linux route, the
>> total cost of ownership would show a different picture. The additional
>> work required on the Linux platform to create an integrated set of
>> tools, which is out of the box functionality for Mirosoft would very
>> quickly overtake any initial purchase savings, as has been experienced
>> by Penwith. This is outside of the argument for the business to be able
>> to quickly respond to changing needs.
> OK this is the key paragraph and basically what they are saying is that they 
> refuse to compare "apples to apples " and instead want to compare "apples to 
> oranges". Lets break it down
> - Microsoft has an annual licensing cost, and this will be for perpetuity. 
> - Openoffice is free but has a one-off conversion cost (we can argue exactly what 
> cost, and while I would accept it is real; I doubt it is significant in the scheme 
> of things)
> - Then there are the additional costs / issues. Archival of records, tailoring of 
> the system, lower disk space etc etc etc
> The question is at what point does the one off upfront conversion fee become equal 
> to a perpetual low cost? If CCC believe that the perpetual smaller fee is always 
> less than a larger upfront payment, then given their credit rating I am sure we 
> can do a deal that will make us rich (and CCC much poorer).
> This is a classic problem and to solve it you need to find the present value of 
> the future license fees
> The formula in OpenOffice is "Present Value" and as an example at 6% interest, £20 
> cost pa for 20 years is the equivalent to a cost of £229.40 today
> Finally there is the example of Bristol who showed that converting to Openoffice 
> cost £1.6m, but staying with MS would have cost £10m or so (I have forgotten the 
> exact figures)
>> The council does not rely entirely on the use of Microsoft products, and
>> have Unix and Linux systems deployed to run some of the most critical
>> database systems used in the authority. The council uses the right tool
>> for the right job - the Microsoft platform on the desktop where
>> interoperability and flexibility is required, and Linux to run the
>> council's largest databases where security and performance is critical. 
> This seems to be copied word for word from the Devon County Council.... :)
>> As a footnote, early tests for the latest release of the Office product
>> shows that when using the compatibility download, there is forward and
>> backward compatibility for files created in either Office 2002, 2003, or
>> 2007. The council has seamlessly and automatically deployed this
>> compatibility pack to all of its computers."
> This is red herring. Is office compatible with international standards?
Odt has ISO certfication number 26300, 

as far as I know OOXML still does not come up to the required standard, 
or fill the right criteria, despite efforts by MS



Support open file formats use ISO 26300 Open Document format
as used by openoffice.org,  http:///www.openoffice.org

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