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Re: [LUG] Book clear out


Simon Waters wrote:
> Following books need a good home....
> Sendmail - Costales, Allman, Rickert (1995)
> Learning to Program in C - Kantaris
> Teach Yourself SQL in 21 days (SAMS)
> DNS and Bind (4th Edition includes BIND 9) Albitz and Liu
> DNS and Bind (The Concise Guide) - Langfeldt
> DHTML for the WWW - Teague
> TCP/IP (Windows NT Network Administration <sic>)  - Hunt and Thompson
> Java Network Programming (2nd Edition) Harold
> The Network Architect Handbook - Taylor
> Let me know if anyone is interested in any of them, and we'll figure out
> a way to get them to you.
>  Simon
Perhaps the lostwithel centre c/o rich brown could start a mini 
reference library of useful books,  As I am sure some people using the 
equipment may be interested,   Plus any lug meetings members have 
something to look at etc.  They are also in a central location so if 
they are needed for any other lug meets in cornwall they can be got at 



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