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Re: [LUG] live audio for meeting monday


Paul Sutton wrote:
> tom wrote:
>> Paul Sutton wrote:
>>> http://digitaldivide.dyndns.org:8080/dcgluglive2008-03-24.ogg
>>> all being well, tomorrows meeting will have a live audio feed,   at the 
>>> above address, 
>>> don't for get there is always irc,  which will also be active.
>>> Paul
>> hehe assuming we can get the internet connection to work at Shoreline 
>> that is !
>> Tom.
> Hope so
> Paul

Have you actually asked at the Shoreline cafe if you could use their 
connection for such a thing?

Just thinking, normally you'd have to open ports on the router, and 
there's the question of getting permission to do this from the owner of 
the cafe.


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