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Re: [LUG] Pondering upon Debian


On Wednesday 19 March 2008 20:39, Simon Waters wrote:
> Simon Avery wrote:
> > ... but
> > IMO rebadging Thunderbird and Firefox as Icedove and Iceweasel is just
> > STUPID. Sorry - there's no other word for it!
> Most hardcore Debianites agree with you.
> Have you read about the issue?
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=354622
> Mozilla corporation asked Debian to choose between the DFSG and using
> the Mozilla trademarked names, and gave them about 1 month before
> release of Etch in which to make a decision.
> So they made the only reasonable decision possible and dropped the names.
Sorry - but are you suggesting that everybody drops everything for Debian?
> I guess they could have moved Firefox and Thunderbird to the graveyard
> that is "non-free", and removed the Debian customisations that upset
> Mozilla, but then it wouldn't have been part of Debian at all, and
> couldn't be included in the default install for a Desktop, and that
> would have been stupid.
Oh! You are suggesting everybody drops everything for Debian!

Firefox and thunderbird live on happily in ubuntu and other debian children. 
http://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=iceweasel-l10n suggests that iceweasel 
is about as popular as IE on Debian. Even after its been assimilated!

Believing in the free software movement surely should allow
others the freedom to chose their fix and release methodology.
Religions set to impose their ideas on others.
Groups advocating freedom should not enforce their idea of freedom on others!

Tom te tom te tom

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