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[LUG] OT - dead Dell wanted


Bit of long-shot, but worth a try... The motherboard on my old Dell gave up the ghost (it would get to the Dell logo and hang, changed CMOS battery, made no difference), so I bought a replacement board on Ebay thinking that it would
fit the case of my old one but, Dell being Dell, unfortunately not...
The motherboard I bought apparently fits the Dimension 8100 and the Precision 300, so if anyone has one of those that has gone bang I'd be very interested. I don't know about other models (apart from the Dimension 4100, the one I have, which it obviously doesn't fit), all I do know is that it has to be a Dell because of the front panel connectors and it has to have space for a very large back plate. Yes, I probably could use a regular case and rewire the front panel but for a second PC it really isn't worth it, so I'm hoping that someone reading this has an old non-working Dell I can give a home to,
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