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Re: [LUG] Pondering upon Debian


On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Rob Beard <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  Well I'd say I prefer Debian based distros mainly because of the
>  Debian Package Manager, I much prefer it to the dependency hell I get
>  into with RPM based distros (yum doesn't help me at all).  I guess
>  that Debian and it's derivatives tend to just work and are easy to
>  configure.

What ever happened to urpmi? when i used to use Mandrake "back in the
day" it seemed to do automatic dependency tracking in a similar way to
apt, the biggest problem i had was dependency hell due to bad

Anyway that drove me to Debian, and now it gets installed on anything
i get my hands on :-) Etch on the server and VPS systems, Sid on home
desktop and laptop (absolutely no windows there either) and i think
i've got etch on the NSLU2 as well.

One thing with Ubuntu i have tried to do, is that i am packaging an
application for debian, but i am doing my up most to keep it ubuntu
compatible as possible and in fact i have lots of ubuntu users using
my debs very happily.... Actually i should pull the stats on the http
log of the distribution, that may be quite interesting.


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