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Re: [LUG] Repository contents.
> Synaptic will tell you all the packages that are installed, and you may
> find that a rather large proportion of them are "libraries" and as such
> have no need for menu entries.
...yeah I thought so but this was a P2P program that I installed and I fully
expected there to be an entry in the menu....
With software packaged by Ubuntu, pretty much every gui application should have a menu entry. In fact, if you've installed a p2p app and there isn't a launcher in the menu, it sounds like it might be a bug. If that's the case, then it may be worth filing a bug report with Ubuntu.
With 3rd party software however, all bets are off. Sometimes they'll include the gnome launchers as part of their install, but often they won't bother. In this case, you'll have to start the application from the command line. You can create custom launchers however. Just right-click on a panel and select "Add to panel..." and click the Application Launcher button.
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