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Keith Menadue wrote:
> Rob Beard wrote:
>> Simon Avery wrote:
>>> Zen. Superb reputation. Ordered yesterday, and process painless and 
>>> informative.  Free block of 8 IP's, always handy for the geeks... I have 
>>> high hopes for them, and many friends recommend them.
>>> Good luck!
>> I used to use Zen and they were pretty good, this was going back a 
>> couple of years but I've still heard good things about them although I 
>> believe they are a bit pricey.  Paul Sutton will be able to tell you 
>> what Zen are like, he's with them.
>> Rob
this is why I am sticking with them,  ok not the cheapest,  but thanks 
to the lug,  I have heard so many nightmare stories as to what happens., 
when you go for cheaper services.  I can't afford to change and end up 
with zero internet for months on end.


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