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Re: [LUG] OT: Telly signal quality


Clare Shepherd wrote:
> On 13 Mar 2008, at 09:04, Neil Williams wrote:
>> On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 08:38 +0000, Tom Potts wrote:
>>> I've been down here a couple of years now (only 58 to go to be  
>>> accepted as
>>> possibly human!) and over that period (especially during high  
>>> pressure) the
>>> picture quality on our analogue boxes has gone down enormously.
>>> I put this down to the attempt to lever people on to digital - has  
>>> anyone else
>>> noticed this or is just my health paranoia?
>> It's not an attempt to push people onto digital because the effects of
>> the same problem on digital TV are far, far worse.
>> Analogue problems just add a bit of fuzzy or snowy inconvenience to  
>> the
>> display.
>> Digital problems drop the entire channel and usually 5 or 6 either  
>> side
>> for as much as an hour.
>> Taking into account the average "quality" of digital TV, that means  
>> that
>> I can easily lose all watchable TV at random intervals and for
>> indeterminate durations.
>> -- 
> This is all true, but the Government has assured us that it'll be all  
> so much better when we go totally digital, as the signal will be  
> boosted. If you can believe them. I've been digital for about 2 to 3  
> years and my reception is better than Neils, but not much. During the  
> summer we're plagued by break-up and loss of vision, and it's always  
> when I want to watch the Proms on BBC 4! However, we can all rejoice  
> at the Government being able to sell of the analogue bandwidth. It  
> completes my joy, coming at the same time as Torquay Council is  
> attempting to sell off our green spaces. End of rant by grumpy old  
> woman.
> Clare

Having a decent quality aerial and good quality digital grade coax cable 
also makes a difference.  I'm in Chelston and get a rather good signal 
with my digital aerial attached to a booster box and the kids get a 
fairly good signal on the non-digital grade aerial in the loft with just 
one Freeview box attached.

My dad on the other hand in Teignmouth gets a signal good enough for one 
  TV (although funnily enough not good enough to drive his HDTV with 
built in Freeview).


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