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Re: [LUG] ISP backups


On Thursday 13 March 2008 11:59, Julian Hall wrote:
> Tom Potts wrote:
> > Do any of the ISP backup/restore things (as so infuriatingly advertised
> > by BT) work easily with Linux?
> > Tom te tom te tom
> Personally I would not trust a third party to host my private
> documents.  I'd much rather get an external USB drive and back it up
> myself.  That way I know:
Just to re-iterate - I'm trying to push rehashed Linux PC's to the 
unsuspecting public and wondering if Linux can easily be backed up to these 
hosted storage areas without having to have some crappy proprietary software 
to get started. I know a lot of ISP's have to be kick started in Windows but 
then run fine in Linux but thats no good for me trying to throw machines out 
the door at people
Tom te tom te tom

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