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Re: [LUG] Pocket telephone exchange...


Tom Potts wrote:
> When I was a kid...
> I used a thing that allowed you to plug two modems into each other and 
> effectively connect so you could pretend to be an ISP or whatever.
> Anyone seen one about anywhere?
> Its either that or diving into the box from hell* for my parallel cable and 
> PPP ing down that...

I wanted one of those when I was messing with serial cables all those 
years ago (when laptops annoyingly all came with modems but not with 
network cards). I didn't know there was such a thing though.

> * does anyone know why a box of cables, left completely undisturbed, turns 
> into a Gordian knot no matter how you pack them?

Because inevitably someone picks up all-but-one of the loops of a cable. 
Wire ties- worth their weight in gold- not that they weigh much.

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