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Re: [LUG] quitting a job


Steven Coté writes:
>> THanks. I have tried using Adept in GUI form with little sucess. I am told switch 
>> to superuser, root but at the moment I am unable to log in as root. I think I'm 
>> going to do a reinstall.
> Yeah, I've never been able to make heads or tails out of Adept either.<snip> 
> Which ever one you use, you will need superuser privileges to install
> packages though. Which distribution are you using? 

....ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibon)
> If you're having trouble elevating your access, it'll probably be easier to fix 
> the problem than it is to reinstall the whole OS (well, really it'd be equally 
> easy since either is usually quite simple, but fixing your access
> would probably be a lot quicker). How come you can't su to root?

I really don't know. I have actually just done a reinstall anyway and during 
the process I wasn't prompted for a root password or superuser name. When I 
was asked for a password for root I supplied the normal user password and 
this worked, I've now got a system with the same username for both root and 
ordinary use and trhe same password....strange.
Cheers, Jon. 

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