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Re: [LUG] firefox download failing on screensaver


Tom Potts wrote:
> ... and any IE that give Microsoft a bad name.

Given the IE bugs I stumbled across today I'm not arguing IE couldn't be
improved, but quiet a lot of folks actually like it (not sure why myself
- familiarity? Perhaps it is all those website that "just work").

I have reached that point in web developer mastery where I know exactly
where to go looking if you want "yet another piece of HTML that crashes

But Firefox has some weird issues as well.

The height of textareas in firefox is a wonder to behold. There is a
wonderfully meandering bug report I read this week in the Bugzilla about
rows and columns for textarea, and what is "by design", "by intent", "by
the standard", as well as just broke. Although amusingly the one person
who mentioned IE doing the "obvious thing" is followed by a comment that
makes it clear that the "obvious thing" is in fact because IE was behind
on the standards track and should be updated to do the less obvious
thing that firefox now does (since they fixed that part after the bug
was filed).

I'm more tending to the CSS/HTML is "broke by committee", can join my
long list of protocols and standards that need replacing.

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