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Re: [LUG] avoiding the evil empire


James Fidell wrote:
> Samuel Toogood wrote:
>> Tom Potts wrote:
>>> In case M$ get a share of Yahoo I was playing with google mail.
>>> It seems to be the worst, slowest online mail system ever.
>>> I want a free globally available online mail  - any suggestions?
>>> Tom te tom te tom
>> I use fastmail (http://www.fastmail.fm). Various service levels 
>> including free. For historical reasons, which I'm trying to sort out at 
>> the moment, my mail takes a convoluted path which includes passing 
>> through googlemail, and it really annoys me that the spam filter can't 
>> be turned off, as it means yet another place to check for false 
>> positives. Ah well.
> That's easy for you to say.  Based on the (large) volume of email
> handled by servers I look after, it's probably fair to say that at
> least 98% of all email messages are spam.  If you want to pay for all
> the resources involved in handling that, I'm sure you'll find someone
> willing to disable filtering for you.
> James
Oh, I'm not against spam filters at all. I wish they weren't necessary, 
but sadly they clearly are. My annoyance is that, for reasons I won't go 
  into, until today, my mail took a path like this:

my domain hosted by friend -> googlemail -> fastmail.fm

and both googlemail and fastmail.fm have adaptive spam filters, which 
means I have to check both for false positives. It also makes it more 
difficult to train both filters. However, this thread inspired me to 
actually contact the friend who hosts the domain and he has changed the 
MX records to cut to point directly at fastmail.fm (and yes, I am paying 
them), so my annoyance is no more (yay!).


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