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Re: [LUG] A couple of problems.


On Wed, 2008-03-05 at 18:01 +0000, Rob Beard wrote:
>                              From: 
> Rob Beard <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>                          Reply-To: 
> list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>                                To: 
> list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>                           Subject: 
> Re: [LUG] A couple of problems.
>                              Date: 
> Wed, 05 Mar 2008 18:01:18 +0000
> jon.davey2@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > jon.davey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >> Hi everyone, firstly I am trying to install a p2p program that I
> have downloaded (MlDonkey).
> > 
> > <snip>
> > 
> > I just did a search and it is in the Ubuntu repositories (at least I
> think it is).  If you're using Ubuntu (7.10) or one of it's
> derivatives,
> > try typing the following at the command line:
> > sudo apt-get install mldonkey-gui
> > That should at least install the GUI.  There is a server package
> listed too although I don't know if you'd need this having not used
> mldonkey before (and to be honest, I usually use Bit Torrent myself).
> > 
> > Rob
> > 
> > ....thanks. Oh?!. Would you reccomend I use bit torrent
> instead ?.....
> > Jon.
> > 
> Well I guess it depends what you want to download.  I use the Azureus 
> Bit Torrent client which I believe is in the Ubuntu repositories and 
> possibly other distro repositories too.  I got used to Azureus when I 
> was using Windows, and I use it for downloads such as ISO images of 
> Ubuntu (which I can download and then give a bit of bandwidth back to 
> others).  I've always found that thinks like eMule and eDonkey always 
> have a lack of hosts with the files and it takes forever to download 
> anything, usually ending up with nothing downloaded and a whole lot
> of 
> frustration!!!
> This might give you a bit more of an idea of using Bit Torrent on
> Linux (although if you're running Ubuntu, I'd search for Azureus on
> Add/Remove Programs or through Synaptic first before trying a manual
> install).
> Rob
.....wow, y'know I only just realised that there is an 'add remove'
option ! Prehaps I'll have more luck using that instead of adept etc. I
am olso having to download some addons for Firefox cos my ISP Pipex
doesn't support any other browser than IE and this is causing me the
same problems.
CHeers, Jon.

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