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Re: [LUG] Windows Vista


Grant Sewell wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 16:09:58 -0000 (UTC)
> Neil Stone wrote:
>> On Tue, February 5, 2008 15:52, Julian Hall wrote:
>>> Grant Sewell wrote:
>>>> The same way they expect you to read the terms &
>>>> conditions/agreement/EULA that's inside the box, before opening the
>>>> box.
>>>> Grant. :-s
>>> Shrink-wrap licensing.  Question is how they would fare legally if
>>> all you can see prior to opening the packge is the English version;
>>> English is not your first language and you're not very good at it.
>>> Entirely possible in some areas of Wales where Welsh is
>>> predominant, and for anybody who has just newly entered the country.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Julian
>> Perhaps MS should then provide "Vista Welsh edition" "Vista Arabic
>> edition" etc..etc.. waste even more money..
> Does anyone know if the various Linux distros provide the GPL in all
> languages available to that distro before installation?
> I remember that Mandrake used to do this but I've not really installed
> Mandrake (or Mandriva) since about v10.2 and I can't remember if they
> do anymore or not.
> Grant.
I think one of the issues with translation is that sometimes certain key 
points get lost in the translation ,and their meaning changes,  hence 
the GPL can;t just be translated into a different language.   I read 
this somewhere,  just not sure where,  but there are issues with 



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