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Re: [LUG] quitting a job


jon.davey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi, I am currently trying to install a program but during the process I am 
> told that there is another program running that must be quit/stopped/killed 
> before I can continue to do the install. I can't seem to do the command. I'm 
> doing dkpg -kill   and dkpg -configure -quit  but these don't work. I am 
> pretty useless with the command line and often get confused with the syntax 
> of the help files. Can anyone give me a simple command the will term dkpg.
> Cheers, Jon.
Just a thought I get this on Fedora with yum the auto updater is running 
in the Bg and has left a lock file

this proc just hangs for no reason and stops any more yuming from the 
command line
I have  to ps -ax | grep yum
then kill -15 the process to free up yum again, I havn't bothered to 
find if it is a bug or just a config problem (Fedora Core 7)
Regards: Kevin Lucas Post Master (Sub) Minions Shop & Tea Rooms Minions 
Liskeard Cornwall PL14 5LE www.minionsbandb.co.uk

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