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Re: [LUG] Backups


Henry Bremridge wrote:
> Create a file list of all files that you want backing up
>     $ls -laF > files_to_back_up.txt
>         Once created go through the list and remove the files you do not want
>     $tar -cvf filename.tar --files-from=files_to_backup.txt
>         This will create a tar file of the files you want backing up
>         I suggest then
>     $bzip2 filename.tar
>         (and yes you can include the compressing as part of the tar command but I 
> prefer doing it seperately. The tar creation is quick, the compression is SLOW )
> Done    

cd /home
tar cf neil-home.tar /home/neil
bzip2 -9 neil-home.tar

then copy neil-home.tar.bz2 to a safe place..

Personally I tend to setup /home as a separate mount point... saves issues..

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