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Hey! Many of you have read it or seen it on tv already: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/devon/7277275.stm just wanted a public opinion about it. anyway, as some of you know, I'm originally from Estonia, a former soviet union country. During the soviet union time we had these polyclinics all over the country in every bigger settlements. The difference was, that hey were partly combined with the hospitals to share the facilities. I still remember being a kid and walking in there, having a GP who then transfered you to other doctors if needed. I also remember that all the blood samples were token by the same people who were also working in the lab examining them so no errors with names and samples were made. When i broke my leg, the GP directed me to the X-ray facility and surgeons and it was fixed in no time. I personally am amazed that nothing like this hasn't been done earlier in this country. Another thing dissapointing me these days is the appointment system. Luckily our own Dr. Adrian Midgley is my GP and takes you on for a medical without an appointment. Now, 1 stupid question to everyone: why ain't the GP-s getting really friendly with the hospitals and together create polyclinics also near the hospitals? Wouldn't it be more easyer to share some of the facilities and then the waiting lines for treatmen could be also reduced. And here we go again with the old IT system: every time I have been to the walk-in center, i'm given a paper or two after the review for the next doctor. Why? Couldn't there be a really easy CRM (Customer relationship management) system included? Preferably open source of course :) -- Sincerely, Jaan Jänesmäe ------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.quilia.com -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html