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Due to power supply induced death of two motherboards of the kids bitserthisnthat computers (due to dreadful dirty grid supply to our Cotswold village) I've two semprons ca "3ghz" badged cpu's, and ram and disks and cases and all ... and no motherboards to put them in :-(. I know the chips work as I stuffed them into my 133mhz athlon xp 2.6ghz system. Money is tight with me disabled and out of work for good now and us on a very limited income due to my wife having to work part time to help support me <cue lachrymose violins> much of the winter 'cos I can't manage to look after the kids for much of each year being almost bedbound much of the day except for an opiated to the gills daily constitutional which just keeps me fit enough to keep going. All a good hard luck story for sure - we live off freecycle!! So if anyone is ditching any motherboards capable of running at 166mhz the kids would be very pleased - the step down to 600mhz and 384mb ram has been a bit of a blow to them (good thing I kept some freecycled HP pc's in the loft!). Linux is of course useable in browser/email under xfce 4 and ubuntu, but my daughter is bereft and inconsolable as nothing can now work sims2 or simcities societies under the Dark Side, and other favoured games are out too including some web based ones. That latter bit puzzles me - why should web pages presumably using flash and java not function on low resource old machines under the same operating system and window manager as another faster system at 2ghz (mine). Could it be something to do with video cards with only 4mb or so (old matrox milleniums onboard the system board). I thought web pages were relatively hardware neutral apart from overall speed of rendering pages and how many one can have open at any time etc. I'll pay postage natch. -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html