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Re: [LUG] Software Freedom Day 2008


Jaan Jänesmäe wrote:
> Why not create 1 big party/parade. We could register it as a protest
> so the costs would be also minimal. There are currently many things to
> protest about, like: why is the gov not using foss and so on and so
> on.
> Anyway, the first idea was to protest against software patents and
> promote freedom (as in free software). We could also promote unsigned
> artists as there is really a lot of good music around but big
> companies and radio stations only promote the ones, which have bigger
> sums behind them.
> And finally to promote this all, we could easily get sponsors and
> stuff. So let's get the party/parade started and let the world know
> what the people want!
I think 2 venues will be easier to manage any more than that,  and it 
means splitting people resources even further.   In which case as soon 
as ubuntu 8.04 comes out,  we need to get an order in for a large number 
for each venue,  how many do you think we would need,  who is willing to 
have them at their place till the event,  I would argue,  they can be 
perhaps stored at the venue, or with someone who lives nearby, at least.

Ubuntu may not be everyones idea of the best distro,  but its well 
supported by the people that produce,  it ,   as we would need  follow 
up events,  after SFD to provide tech support etc.  there is no reason 
why we have other distros on offer.

Once the exwick centre is up and running,  then we can look at what is 
available and how we can plan the day,   we need to take into account,  
capacity of  building, and fire regulations etc.



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