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Re: [LUG] Problem pasting content from webpage into oOo: Ubuntu


On Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 10:17:13AM +0000, Henry Bremridge wrote:
> On Ubuntu 7.10, my partner had been copying contents from firefox (tables, text 
> from a government/education website) into oOo (2.3), but then oOo crashed and 
> would not reload the document.

Additional problem: I could not convert the oOo file to doc. However I think I found 
the problem
- The tables in the document were basically tables within tables and some of the 
text was actually a table
- There was a couple of sections within the document
- There were a couple of 'macros' that were accidently copied into the document from 
the government side (commands to select the data from the overall database)

Once I stripped out the data and copied them to a fresh table and removed the 
sections then all worked.

PS File size in oOo was 35k, in doc was 407k

Tue Jan 22 12:17:05 GMT 2008

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