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Re: [LUG] Why are there so few women in our LUG - doesthis indicate there are few female Linux users ?


On Jan 17, 2008 7:20 PM, Ray Smith <rjsmith@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> It's like saying women can't parallel park, obviously they can (and are
> safer drivers as shown by insurance premiums for the ladies)
> Ray

That's fallacious I'm afraid. Lower insurance premiums show that women
have fewer accidents not  that they're better drivers. For a variety
of reasons women (on average) cover a lot lower mileage than men but
per mile driven, men are much safer - if you accept the statistics at
face value and don't get into an argument about fatality rates and
what exactly defines good v bad driving and so on (and on - 'cos I've
never met a woman who'd accept the statistics at face value).

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