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Re: [LUG] Sort blocks of lines


Simon Williams wrote:
> I'm looking for a slightly more advanced sort command. I have 2 extra 
> things it needs to do. Firstly, it needs to be able to sort a file based 
> on a date which looks a bit like this:
> Tue Jan  8 04:53:47 GMT 2008  [and some other info which should be ignored]

Steve beat me to recommending Date::Manip, but it's excellent. It'll 
read in a huge variety of humancentric date strings and convert to 
unixtime, which can then be sorted with a basic sort();

Same probably exists for other languages, maybe even bash if you wanted 
to avoid a called language entirely.

> Secondly, the file is in the format:
> date/time as above
> arbitrary text
> blank line
> In this particular case the arbitrary text is all on one line so all I 
> need to do is somehow convince the sort command to move blocks of 3 
> lines around, but being able to tell it to move everything up to and 
> including a blank line would also be nice.

In perl, split line into "unixdate,data\n", removing any bits you don't 
want and push into an array, sort it, use it.

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