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Re: [LUG] swap storms


On Nov 28, 2007 11:23 AM, Simon Waters <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Robin Cornelius wrote:
> >
> > This has made me think, is there any way to mitigate a swap storm, or
> > a memory aggressive application to keep it under some kind of control.
> Customary approach is to limit memory per process, and processes per
> user. Also limit open files, and other key resources per process.
> See "man ulimit" and /etc/security/limits or similar.
> Most distros default these to "unlimited".

Thats great thanks.

> Such things are vital in some circumstances, but often they create more
> issues than they solve for general use, so folks tend to use
> "unlimited", and stop using software that misbehaves.

Well as i said, i'm debugging :-) so just need to preserve enough
runtime for gdb or valgrind to survive and tell me what happened.

It ate 5 Gb in under 3 minutes yesterday. Would be great to catch this
as its a cross platform bug seen on *nix,mac and winblows, affecting a
lot of people.


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