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Re: [LUG] Asus EEPC - naughty naughty!!


Neil Williams wrote:
Tom Potts wrote:
There does seem to have been some fiddling with the code - removal of credits 

There's no evidence of that so far. Besides, the first thing that gets
dropped from any distribution that needs to strip out the bloat are the
ChangeLogs and documentation. Emdebian does that too.

Some have suggested that it may be an attempt to hide their tracks.

Stop feeding the FUD. No evidence.

It may be that they don't quite get the GPL and want to try and keep some 
developments away from their competitors -the machine is bought in bits after 

No, the source code *is* available - Debian has downloaded several copies.

to the EU - the only thing that counts is the end result. Its not a Linux PC 
until its GPL compliant. 

It isn't a Linux PC even then - no such thing exists. It might be a
GNU/Linux PC but that is true even if the GPL is flouted. The only issue
is whether the OS on the PC is free software because to be called "free
software" it must comply with whatever licences apply and STILL be free.


well for those of you still debating how many angels can dance on a gpl licence my eeepc has arived, earlier than the 3rd december date on the laste order date. The instruction book seems to assume that many owners will be swaping the linux OS for XP. The disc, which doesn't seems to work has XP drivers on it if the web site is to be believed. Very neat piece of kit, very easy to turn into a generic KDE distro, so no need to to install ubuntu unless you're a gnome person. Lovely thing, but not really sure what I'm going to do with it...

Simon Robert
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