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Re: [LUG] TV Licensing


> > What's this I heard recently that they're going to demand you pay a TV
> > license for a computer, as it is now possible to view TV Programmes (or
> > at least some content) as streaming media over the internet?
> >
> > Since it is a license to 'operate a colour television receiver' would
> > they have a leg to stand on?
> >
> I think so yes, as in effect a tv card is a colour television
> reciever,    while I am guessing this applies to desktops,  what happens
> if you have a laptop and usb reciver,  and watch tv in other locations
> What about just a USB receiver  unit

There was a private members bill to try and put a stop to the TV license  
threats, a while back. I didn't hear any more about it, so I presume that it 


A TV card certainly needs a license, but what about IPTV? What about watching 

This from Liberty on access to your home:


The TVLA say that watching through streaming media is also covered. Old Reg 


Since the RIP act 2000 requires your service provider to keep a copy of all 
the sites you access on the internet, and every man and his dog in Gov can 
gain access to it, it would not surprise me if they could say "aha, you were 
streaming this video clip at xx:xx on yy/yy/yyyy, you're nicked mate".

And the TV license does not just apply to watching the BBC. You can be fined 
for watching any unlicensed TV set. There was a case of someone being fined 
for watching an unlicensed TV set in a hotel room he was staying in. So, 
would watching any streaming media be covered?

It seems reasonable, to me,  that you need a license if you are watching 
off-air BBC, even if you are using your computer with a TV card. It does not 
seem reasonable to require a TV license to view a random YouTube clip.

Does anyone know where the law lies here?


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