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Re: [LUG] No postings for the last couple of days


Dave Foxcroft wrote:
> Well everything seems back to normal now... I have other problems at the 
> moment - It seems that my ISP - tiscali (yes I know, not one of my best 
> decisions) has some sort of DNS problem that has been causing also sorts 
> of grief - I'm using OpenDNS for now....

Ironically Tiscali has recently deployed a system like OpenDNS that
catches DNS requests for non-existent domains, and lies about the
answer. This is probably the source of the DNS problems you experienced.
Details were posted on the NANOG mailing list.

Please do vote with your feet, and/or protest loudly about such things
(UKFSN are also guilty here I believe, although I use my own DNS
recursive resolver - which gives the correct answer for any query).

"None such" is a perfectly valid answer for the DNS, and shouldn't be
seen as an opportunity to make cash by ISPs.

It is also likely that the wide deployment of such technologies will
give ISPs a financial disincentive with regard to deploying the next
generation of more secure DNS technology (DNSSEC). Since when it is
deployed, they won't be able to spoof incorrect answers for queries.

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